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Medical Statistics at a Glance is a concise andaccessible introduction and revision aid for this complex subject.The self-contained chapters explain the underlying concepts ofmedical statistics and provide a guide to the most commonly usedstatistical procedures.
This new edition of Medical Statistics at a Glance :
Presents key facts accompanied by clear and informative tablesand diagrams Focuses on illustrative examples which show statistics inaction, with an emphasis on the interpretation of computer dataanalysis rather than complex hand calculations Includes extensive

Medical Statistics at a Glance is a concise andaccessible introduction and revision aid for this complex subject.The self-contained chapters explain the underlying concepts ofmedical statistics and provide a guide to the most commonly usedstatistical procedures.

This new edition of Medical Statistics at a Glance :

Presents key facts accompanied by clear and informative tablesand diagrams
Focuses on illustrative examples which show statistics inaction, with an emphasis on the interpretation of computer dataanalysis rather than complex hand calculations
Includes extensive cross-referencing, a comprehensive glossaryof terms and flow-charts to make it easier to choose appropriatetests
Now provides the learning objectives for each chapter
Includes a new chapter on Developing Prognostic Scores
Includes new or expanded material on study management,multi-centre studies, sequential trials, bias and different methodsto remove confounding in observational studies, multiplecomparisons, ROC curves and checking assumptions in a logisticregression analysis
The companion website at containssupplementary material including an extensive reference list andmultiple choice questions (MCQs) with interactive answers forself-assessment.
Medical Statistics at a Glance will appeal to allmedical students, junior doctors and researchers in biomedical andpharmaceutical disciplines.

Reviews of the previous editions

"The more familiar I have become with this book, the more Iappreciate the clear presentation and unthreatening prose. It isnow a valuable companion to my formal statistics course."
-International Journal of Epidemiology

"I heartily recommend it, especially to first years, but it sequally appropriate for an intercalated BSc or Postgraduateresearch. If statistics give you headaches - buy it. Ifstatistics are all you think about - buy it."
-GKT Gazette

"...I unreservedly recommend this book to all medical students,especially those that dislike reading reams of text. This is onebook that will not sit on your shelf collecting dust once you havegraduated and will also function as a reference book."
-4th Year Medical Student, Barts and the LondonChronicle , Spring 2003
Aviva Petrie, Head of Biostatistics Unit and Senior Lecturer, Eastman Dental Institute, University College London; Honorary Lecturer in Medical Statistics, Medical Statistics Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Caroline Sabin, Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology, Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London.
"Overall, Medical Statistics at a Glance is very useful to students who are aiming to learn basic medical statistics concepts. Clinicians and statistics students can keep a copy of this book as a quick initial reference. This book is highly recommended as an excellent Medical Statistics guide." -- Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, August 2010
"The book will appeal to all medical students, junior doctors and researchers in biomedical and pharmaceutical disciplines." (Zentralblatt MATH) "Overall, Medical Statistics at a Glance is very useful to students who are aiming to learn basic medical statistics concepts. Clinicians and statistics students can keep a copy of this book as a quick initial reference. This book is highly recommended as an excellent Medical Statistics guide." (Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics)

Great book. Very clear examples and well written. Lots of practical information to allow students to use medical statistics. (Anthony Murray, Faculty of Health & Science, University of Cumbria)