This book aims at examining a selection of the Holy
Sonnets of John Donne from the viewpoint of the
meditational practices of the author''s age.
All the Holy Sonnets are indebted to the practice of
meditative prayer, however,
the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, as
well as the Meditations on the Life of Christ, are
examined in more detail, due to their predominance in
the period.
Through the close reading of Holy Sonnets XI, VII,
XIII and XIX, all of which are poetic records of
meditative prayer, the interdependece of meditation
and poetic creation is demonstrated.
Sonnets of John Donne from the viewpoint of the
meditational practices of the author''s age.
All the Holy Sonnets are indebted to the practice of
meditative prayer, however,
the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, as
well as the Meditations on the Life of Christ, are
examined in more detail, due to their predominance in
the period.
Through the close reading of Holy Sonnets XI, VII,
XIII and XIX, all of which are poetic records of
meditative prayer, the interdependece of meditation
and poetic creation is demonstrated.