The aerospace industry increasingly relies on advanced numerical simulation tools in the early design phase. This volume provides the results of a German initiative which combines many of the CFD development activities from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), universities, and aircraft industry. Numerical algorithms for structured and hybrid Navier-Stokes solvers are presented in detail. The capabilities of the software for complex industrial applications are demonstrated. This volume contains results of the German CFD initiative MEGAFLOW which combines many of the CFD development activities from DLR, universities and aircraft industry. It highlights recent improvements and enhancements of the MEGAFLOW software system. This software includes the block-structured Navier-Stokes code FLOWer and the unstructured Navier-Stokes code TAU. Improvements to numerical algorithms and physical modelling capabilities of these codes are discussed. Validation activities concerning their capability to predict viscous flows around complex industrially relevant configurations for transport aircraft design are presented. The high level of maturity both codes have reached is demonstrated based on the intensive use of FLOWer and TAU by the German aerospace industry in the design process of a new aircraft.