  • Verlag: B&T / Penguin Random House
  • Seitenzahl: 517
  • Englisch
  • Abmessung: 245mm
  • Gewicht: 1000g
  • ISBN-13: 9780679405887
  • Artikelnr.: 22010698
It is a rare author who can write about himself with openness and candor, but David Rockefeller has succeeded brilliantly. His discussion of his upbringing and of the obligations imposed by great wealth is fascinating, as are his personal reflections on four generations of Rockefellers. What the book also reveals, unconsciously but with great clarity, is the decency, integrity, and humanity of David Rockefeller himself. Dr. Henry Kissinger

Long before globalization became a household word, David Rockefeller realized the importance of cultivating strong, trusting relationships with countries and their leaders around the world. We are privileged to be the beneficiaries of his lifelong commitment to world peace, and to have his reflections on these experiences in this superb memoir. Nelson Mandela

In these memoirs, David Rockefeller provides an account of his life that is candid, incisive, and moving. Whether writing about his remarkable family, his distinguished career, or his important role in world affairs, he offers a unique and invaluable perspective on our times.
Kofi Annan, secretary general of the United Nations

David Rockefeller is one of the most diversely interesting men of our time. It has been my pleasure to know him and his work, and this book, the product of his unique life, is both attractive and thoroughly engaging. It will attract everyone for the knowledge and pleasure it accords. Professor John Kenneth Galbraith

Here is David Rockefeller at the top of his emotional register....As this calm yet revealing memoir indicates, there never will be another person like David Rockefeller. The New York Times Book Review

[Rockefeller s] an account of a decent, hardworking man who ran his company, Chase bank, with an eye to the public good....If Rockefeller, by virtue of his name, is one of the poster boys of capitalism, he offers a pretty attractive face. Newsweek

David Rockefelleris an emblematic figure of a world that no longer really exists...and there s something refreshingly nineteenth-century about this entertaining memoir as well. Rockefeller s style is restrained and self-deprecating. The New Yorker

A compelling story of money, philanthropy, culture, and politics. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

David Rockefeller has had a life that is both long...and remarkable....In his sweeping, lively Memoirs, Rockefeller allows us a glimpse into his gilded world. The Washington Post Book World