Session I The Development of Enzyme Systems in the Mammal.- Development of enzyme systems in glycolysis.- Computer representation of fetal and adult glycolysis.- The development of some enzymes of amino acid metabolism in the human liver.- Control and interference by endogenous and exogenous substances on normal liver development.- Effects of hormones on the development of enzyme systems.- Drug susceptibility and the development of erythrocyte enzyme systems.- Discussion.- Session II Aminoacid Metabolism.- Placental transport of free amino-acids.- The plasma aminogram in 'small for date' newborn infants.- The protein and amino-acid requirements of the premature infant.- Protein requirement of normal infants between 8 and 56 days of age.- Protein status of 'small for date' animals.- Infantile malnutrition: its production and effects.- Discussion.- Session III Carbohydrate-Fat Metabolism.- The development of insulin secretion in man.- The development of glucagon secretion.- Functional development in brown adipose tissue.- The development of carbohydrate tolerance.- Effect of undernutrition on intestinal active transport of sugar and aminoacids.- Metabolism of carbohydrates and fat components in the premature and full-term newborn after infusions of triglycerides and glycerol.- Carbohydrate metabolism in the newborn rat.- Discussion.- Index of authors.- Index of subjects.