Metalshark Bro is a surreal comedy, high-octane revenge comic series teetering on the brink of reality and the void of the unknown written by Bob Frantz and Kevin Cufe, illustrations by Walter Ostlie, and edited and lettered by Chas! Pangburn. WHAT THE FIN IS A METALSHARK BRO? Well, since you asked: Metalshark Bro is an anthropomorphic and bloodthirsty shark, created and forced into murderous service by Satan’s jerky nephew, Beelzbra. Upon the realization that he was double-crossed by Beelzebra, our hero, along with Ira--his magical floating eyeball companion--vows revenge against his treacherous maker. The road to vengeance is never easy as Metalshark Bro and Ira travel through space and time slaughtering anyone or anything that stands in his way.
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