1. The development of Aristotle's theory of the classification of animals
2. Right and left in Greek philosophy
3. Who is attacked in On Ancient Medicine?
4. Experiment in early Greek philosophy and medicine
5. Popper versus Kirk: a controversy in the interpretation of Greek science
6. The social background of early Greek philosophy and science
7. Greek cosmologies
8. Alcmaeon and the early history of dissection
9. The Hippocratic question
10. The empirical basis of the physiology of the Parva Naturalia
11. Saving the appearances
12. The debt of Greek philosophy and science to the ancient Near East
13. Observational error in later Greek science
14. Plato on mathematics and nature, myth and science
15. Science and morality in Greco-Roman antiquity
16. Aristotle's zoology and his metaphysics: the status quaestionis: a critical review of some recent theories
17. Galen on Hellenistics and Hippocrateans
18. The invention of nature
Index of passages cited
General index.