Dieser erste Band einer aus transatlantischer Kooperation erwachsenen Reihe präsentiert den Text eines deutschen Tagebuchs aus dem Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg und seine englische Übertragung. Die interessanten Erfahrungen des Pfälzers Michael Zimmer werden durch Erläuterungen zugänglich gemacht, die sowohl sprachliche Aspekte als auch solche allgemeinhistorischer und militärhistorischer Art betreffen.
This first volume in a series evolving from transatlantic co-operation presents a German diary written during the American Civil War and its English translation. The intriguing experiences of the author, Michael Zimmer from Palatinate, have been made accessible through annotations concerning aspects of language in general as well as military history.
This first volume in a series evolving from transatlantic co-operation presents a German diary written during the American Civil War and its English translation. The intriguing experiences of the author, Michael Zimmer from Palatinate, have been made accessible through annotations concerning aspects of language in general as well as military history.