Medical Telemetry is a way of transmitting data electronically from one point to another. In a typical medical telemetry application, equipment record electronic data related to a patient and then send this data to a desired central area where it can be displayed on LCD or TV screens for qualified medical staff to monitor so that any urgent medical problems can be attended to as soon as possible.The most important medical parameters measured at telemetry units are the electrocardiogram (or ECG), and level of the saturated oxygen in patient's blood. These two parameters tell a lot to a doctor about a patient's health problems. This book is about the design and development of a microcontroller based medical telemetry device. The design is based using suitable sensors and electrodes to collect data about a patient's electrocardiogram and level of saturated oxygen in their bloods. The collected information is sent over a serial Ethernet link to a remote location where the data can beanalysed by qualified doctors and health staff. This book is aimed for students of electrical and electronic engineering, practising engineers, electronic hobbyists and researchers.