This book on microenterprises in the rural Congolese environment proposes to verify whether they are sustainable in the rural commune of Idiofa and to identify the factors that influence their sustainability. Unfortunately, in general, microenterprises in rural areas of the Congo suffer from a sustainability problem, as several factors such as the socio-demographic characteristics of the microentrepreneur, the entrepreneurial culture, the management style, the lack of innovation as well as the context would be at the base.Surveys carried out in the rural commune of Idiofa, using statistical tools (univariate and bivariate) and the application of the Probit model, among microentrepreneurs, reveal that 85.1% of the microenterprises under examination do not reach 10 years of existence. However, the satisfactory estimates related to the socio-demographic characteristics, the management mode, the entrepreneurial culture, the innovation and the context in which the microenterprises of the rural Commune of Idiofa evolve have an influence on their sustainability at 63.6%.