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The updated second edition of this modern text and reference book by Stefan Sinzinger and Jürgen Jahns expertly and comprehensively presents the basics and applications in microoptics. The authors have taken into consideration and incorporated the most important developments in past years as well as the continuously improving manufacturing technology for microoptical components and the rapid progress being made especially in the field of materials research. An additional chapter covers the characterization of microoptical components, in particular lenses and lens arrays, while new sections…mehr

The updated second edition of this modern text and reference book by Stefan Sinzinger and Jürgen Jahns expertly and comprehensively presents the basics and applications in microoptics. The authors have taken into consideration and incorporated the most important developments in past years as well as the continuously improving manufacturing technology for microoptical components and the rapid progress being made especially in the field of materials research. An additional chapter covers the characterization of microoptical components, in particular lenses and lens arrays, while new sections include photonic crystals and materials for microoptics. A must-have for physicists and electrical engineers, from advanced students right up to designers working in the field.

Zweite Auflage des modernen Lehr- und Nachschlagebuches von Stefan Sinzinger und Jürgen Jahns. Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Mikrooptik sind kompetent und umfassend dargestellt und um die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der vergangenen Jahre ergänzt. Ein Muss für Physiker und Elektroingenieure von fortgeschrittenen Studenten bis zu Entwicklungsingenieuren in der Praxis.

Neben der Aktualisierung bestehender Kapitel haben die Autoren auf die stetig sich verbessernden Herstellungstechnologien für mikrooptische Komponenten und die Fortschritte insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Materialforschung reagiert. Diese zweite Auflage wurde durch ein Kapitel über die Charakterisierung von mikrooptischen Komponenten und Abschnitte über "Photonische Kristalle" und Materialien für die Mikrooptik erweitert.
Stefan Sinzinger studied physics at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg from where he also received his doctorate degree in 1993. In 1991 he spent 9 months at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, NJ, USA. From 1994 to 2002 he worked as research scientist for Jürgen Jahns at the University of Hagen on planar optical systems integration. In April 2002 he became Professor for "Technische Optik" (Optical Engineering) at the Technical University of Ilmenau. His current research interest is the use of microstructures for the optimisation of optical components and systems.

Jürgen Jahns received his degree in physics from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. After eleven years in industry at Siemens, Munich, and AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel (NJ), he became a Professor for Optical Information Technology at the University of Hagen, Germany. Focus of his work is the integration of microoptical systems and their application for computing and sensing.

Jürgen Jahns studierte Physik an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Nach elfjähriger Industrietätigkeit bei Siemens, München, und AT&T Bell Laboratories in den USA wurde er 1994 Professor für Optische

Nachrichtentechnik an der Fernuniversität Hagen. Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit sind die mikrooptische Integration und Anwendungen in der Rechentechnik.