Richardson Theodor: Theodor Richardson is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at South College and has written several books in areas of computer science. Thies Charles: Charles Thies attended the University of Denver where he received a Masters of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems. He has worked for the Department of Defense in assignments overseas as an information technology professional and is published in the Journal of Information Science Applied Research. He is the Director of Digital Publishing and Information Technology at Books International, Inc. and has taught numerous college courses in computer science.
Section I: The Computer Basics.
1. Introduction to Computer Concepts.
2. Navigating and Using the Computer Environment.
3. Using the Internet.
4. Using Email and Email Clients.
5. Microsoft OneDrive and Cloud Computing.
6. Microsoft Outlook and Productivity Management.
Section II: Word Processing
7. Introduction to Word and Word Processing.
8. Developing and Editing Documents.
9. Advanced Features of Word Processing.
Section III: Presentation Software.
10. Introduction to PowerPoint and Presentation Software.
11. Creating Effective Presentations.
12. Advanced Features of Presentation Software.
Section IV: Spreadsheet Software.
13. Introduction to Excel and Spreadsheet Software.
14. Developing Worksheets and Graphic Representations.
15. Advanced Features of Spreadsheet Software.
Section V: Database Software.
16. Introduction to Access and Database Software.
A. Additional Productivity Software.
B. Alternate Productivity Software.
C. Odd-Numbered Answers to Knowledge Check Exercises.
D. On the Companion Disc.