In the center of the bustling city, fifteen-year-old Mikasa Jones enjoys living her everyday life. She excels in her classes at school, she gossips with her friends, and she shares a deep bond with her loving family. Mikasa is attracted to a mysterious and charismatic guy from the neighborhood whose gaze sends her heart into a frenzy. With each stolen glance and fleeting touch, Mikasa yearns for a connection that feels like it was written in the stars. But this dude is about his business, which makes Mikasa question if her feelings will ever be reciprocated. Things become even more complicated with her thirteen-year-old cousin, Brandon. Raised up alongside her, Brandon develops a bewildering affection for Mikasa that surpasses that of familial love. As boundaries and relationships begin to shift, Mikasa finds herself entangled in a love triangle that threatens to shatter the world as she knows it. This story is a gripping urban tale that takes readers on an intense ride through the life of a young girl growing up and trying to figure out her place in the world around her.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.