'Through the noise of a world inundated by too much overwrought overwriting, too many clichés, too many lies, too many adjectives, Rory Harris's deceptively simple, short, imagistic poems ring like clear bells. They always have, but never so tellingly perhaps. Harris has always been concerned with exploring the minutiae of domestic and family love, but grief has given the most recent work an added emotional undertow. He has been one of my favourite poets for many years, a meditative companion for times to quote Keats - when my "eyeballs are vexed and tired", and the answer, then, is to "feast them upon the wideness of the sea" - in this case a a sea of small, but deep, poems.' - Peter Goldsworthy '...sparks of light and small arrows of distress knit together in such seemingly simple shapes.' - Jorie Ryan, Eureka Street 'He has a respectful but concise and impartial approach to his characters and writing. The total effect is of attractive sympathy and profound talent in reserve.' - Jennifer Maiden, Sydney Morning Herald
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