Mirage is a fictional character, an ex-villainess featured in the film The Incredibles, produced by Pixar and Disney, first released on November 24, 2004. She also appears in the comic book version of The Incredibles, where she reenacts her role from the movie. Mirage is an assistant and girlfriend to the evil scientist, Syndrome. She tricks the superhero, Mr. Incredible, into doing work for her boss, which in reality involves battling a robot (the Omnidroid 9000) specifically designed to kill him. Mirage is the liaison between Mr. Incredible and Syndrome, preventing Mr. Incredible from learning the true identity of his employer.Though she apparently has no superpowers, or at least none exhibited on screen, Mirage appears to have extensive computing and espionage skills and she claims her identity is kept a secret by the government, hinting to her profession as a covert operative.The voice of Mirage was provided by Elizabeth Peña.