Mirror of Magico is a story filled with wonder, mystery, and an ancient secret. The story revolves around the school adventures of three children-Joanna, Elijah, and Oliver-and their time in Omega Sports Academy. Of course, Omega Sports Academy is no regular school-far from it, in fact. What the children soon learn is that the school houses a huge secret: a magical lake that's responsible for a lot of the powers-and even the disappearances-of teachers and students alike. The three children get to know one another and become good friends, taking part in sporting activities together and becoming quite a close-knit group. It is here, however, that their adventure truly begins. Omega Sports Academy is surrounded by a forest, with the legend being that those who dare to venture out into the forest are never seen again. Of course, this doesn't deter our young, brave adventurers, who decide to explore the forest one night and get into a world of trouble. Out in the forest, they encounter it, the yellow-eyed beast, a creature as terrifying as it is hideous. It chases them through the forest, but they are able to get away and return to the safety of the academy. However, while the creature does chase them, it doesn't follow them all the way to the school. Instead, it stops just shy of the school grounds. Not choosing to look a gift horse in the mouth, the children high-tail it to their rooms and straight to bed, trying to put the events of the forest behind them. However . . . forgetting about the creature they encountered is not an option. For the next few days, Joanna and Elijah have terrible nightmares about the creature that chased them down in the forest. Considering them to be just that, bad dreams, they brush them off and carry on about their daily lives. However, that soon changes when one night Joanna wakes up from her nightmare and, upon looking out her window, comes face-to-face with the creature staring back at her through the glass with its cold yellow eyes. Sure that the creature is definitely hunting them, the trio start digging. They discover the location of the school library, not the one that's accessible to students but rather the one that stores the secrets of the school. Here, they discover the root of the school's magic as well as some details about the creature, such as why it exists, what it is, and why it can't cross the school grounds. Armed with this knowledge, Joanna, Elijah, and Oliver decide that they need to take out the creature before it can harm them or, worse, the rest of the school. They come up with a plan to kill the creature using the magic in the lake. In the middle of the night, they sneak out of the school and back into the forest where they first encountered the creature. They lure it out and attack it, all the while trying to dodge its massive arms, lest they be hacked to death. In the end, they kill the creature, thus making it safe for the students of the school.
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