Pierre MabilleMirror of the Marvelous: The Surrealist Reimagining of Myth
Pierre Mabille (1904-1952) was a doctor, writer, and editorial director of the famous art review Minotaure. Working as a surgeon in the Caribbean during World War II he was appointed French Cultural Attaché to Haiti at the war’s end and helped establish the Haitian Bureau of Ethnology. Mabille is one of the most important writers to have participated in the surrealist movement, advancing surrealist concerns into the areas of medicine, hermetic traditions, and social structures. His major works include La construction de l’Homme, Thérèse de Lisieux, Égrégores ou la vie des civilisations, and Conscience Pictoral, Conscience Lumineuese.
Foreword: Drawbridges, by André Breton
The Destruction of the World
Crossing Through the Elements
Crossing Through Death
The Marvelous Voyage
In Quest of the Grail
Index of Book References