Dumplin' meets the small-town drama of Gilmore Girls in this sparkling debut from Erin Moonyeen Haley. Twelve-year-old Savvy’s only ambition is to be chosen as Miss Liberty in her town’s glittertastic Fourth of July parade. In her mind, being Miss Liberty is key to getting everything you want for the rest of your life. And Savvy’s anxious mind needs to know what’s going to happen for the rest of her life, just like she needs to know what the weather is going to be like every single day. Unfortunately, Savvy is only a dancer in the kick line, while her older sister, Levi, is the glamorous Miss Liberty for the third year in a row. But this year, Levi seems committed to taking down the parade and crushing Savvy’s future dreams, for reasons that neither Savvy nor the town can understand. Only one thing is for sure: It’s up to Savvy to bring the glitter back to her beloved parade, her town, and her sister.
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