The sex-ratio is a function of three basic factors of sex ratio at birth, differential in mortality of two sex's at different stages of life and sex selectivity among the migrants. The number of missing women varies from one region to another according to its socio-cultural and economic beliefs and practices in treating the girls and women. According to estimation of noble prize laureateDr. Amartya Sen, 1990 around 100 million women are 'missing' worldwide (more recent estimates suggest that there are 50 million missing women in India alone). Declining sex ratio is burning problem in India, in general and in particular. The sex composition of the study region shows the missing girls and women, and observed fewer females per thousand males.Therefore, this book deals with the introduction, significance of research work, brief review of literature, choice of study region, objectives, data base and methodology. The rest of the part is about conceptual background and trend of sex ratio, spatial patterns of sex ratio in general and child, in particular and changes from 1991 to 2011. I hope that this book would meet the expectations of the researchers, academicians and students.