Dieser Sonderband beinhaltet die Vorträge von 26 Theologinnen und Theologen aus 12 verschiedenen Ländern, die sich zu einer einwöchigen Internationalen Sommerschule an der Universität Regensburg versammelten, um darüber nachzudenken, wie sich Mission und friedliche Koexistenz miteinander vereinbaren lassen. Eine zu beobachtende Zunahme nationalistischer und fundamentalistischer Strömungen in vielen asiatischen Ländern, in denen Christen weitgehend Minderheiten darstellen, aber auch einige Entwicklungen in Deutschland, wie Säkularisierung und Migrantenbewegung, zeigen die Dringlichkeit der Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Thematik. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes reflektieren Themengebiete wie Bildung, Ökumene und Historie. Teilnehmer und Autoren sind überwiegend Schüler und Schülerinnen des Regensburger Systematikers Hans Schwarz, dessen Arbeitsgebiete sich in den einzelnen Themengebieten widerspiegeln.
The special volume in the series Glaube und Denken contains papers presented by 26theologians from 12 different countries. The authors convened at the university of Regensburg for a week-long International Summer School. They pondered how mission and peaceful co-existence can be achieved under newly emerging conditions. They observed a rise of nationalistic and fundamentalist currents in many Asian countries in which Christians are often a minority. Furthermore, developments in Germany, such as secularization and the increasing number of believers of other religions through the influx of immigrants, show the urgency to reflect on this new situation. The collected papers touch topics such as education, ecumenism, and history. Most of the participants are students of the Regensburg systematic theologian Hans Schwarz whose special fields of interest are mirrored in these topics.
The special volume in the series Glaube und Denken contains papers presented by 26theologians from 12 different countries. The authors convened at the university of Regensburg for a week-long International Summer School. They pondered how mission and peaceful co-existence can be achieved under newly emerging conditions. They observed a rise of nationalistic and fundamentalist currents in many Asian countries in which Christians are often a minority. Furthermore, developments in Germany, such as secularization and the increasing number of believers of other religions through the influx of immigrants, show the urgency to reflect on this new situation. The collected papers touch topics such as education, ecumenism, and history. Most of the participants are students of the Regensburg systematic theologian Hans Schwarz whose special fields of interest are mirrored in these topics.