Ungleichheitsstrukturen sind über viele Jahrhunderte historisch gewachsen. In literarischen Zeugnissen werden sie auf eine ganz eigene Art verhandelt. Daher lohnt sich ein Blick in literarische, volkssprachliche Quellen, um zu untersuchen, wie Ungleichheiten, Marginalisierungen und Stereotype dort thematisiert, entworfen und gegebenenfalls unterlaufen werden. Genau dies ist das Erkenntnisinteresse der vorliegenden Arbeit: Maline Kotetzki fragt nach narrativen Mustern bezüglich der Interaktionen zwischen der Dominanzgesellschaft und Außenseiter_innen am Beispiel von Mixanthropoi, also animalisch-menschlichen Mischwesen. Der Intersektionalitätsansatz wird als ein Mittel herangezogen, um herauszufinden, welche Kategorien für die Einordnung der Figuren eine Rolle spielen und inwiefern sie ausschlaggebend für sowohl Diskriminierungen als auch Privilegierungen sind.
Inequality structures have grown historically over many centuries. In literary testimonies, they are negotiated in a very unique way. It is therefore worth taking a look at literary, vernacular sources in order to examine how inequalities, marginalisation and stereotypes are thematised, designed and possibly undermined in them. This is precisely the research interest of this thesis: Maline Kotetzki examines narrative patterns regarding the interactions between the dominant society and outsiders using the example of Mixanthropoi, i.e. animal-human hybrids. The intersectional approach is used as a means of finding out which categories play a role in the categorisation of the figures and to what extent they are decisive for both discrimination and privilege.
Inequality structures have grown historically over many centuries. In literary testimonies, they are negotiated in a very unique way. It is therefore worth taking a look at literary, vernacular sources in order to examine how inequalities, marginalisation and stereotypes are thematised, designed and possibly undermined in them. This is precisely the research interest of this thesis: Maline Kotetzki examines narrative patterns regarding the interactions between the dominant society and outsiders using the example of Mixanthropoi, i.e. animal-human hybrids. The intersectional approach is used as a means of finding out which categories play a role in the categorisation of the figures and to what extent they are decisive for both discrimination and privilege.