In the present work, the auhor designs a model for a
bilingual school dictionary involving Yipunu, one of
the Gabonese languages, and French This model is
based on metalexicographical principles, applicable
to the Gabonese context. In the field of the science
of language, dictionaries have always been part of a
standardisation process. They are also part of the
expansion, the development and the promotion of
languages in societies. On the other hand, the
education system is an important partner for both
foreign language teaching and the development of
local languages in countries with a weak written
tradition like Gabon. It is a strong platform for
the production of dictionaries because it includes
the diffusion and the application of school
programmes and school manuals.Introducing
dictionaries in the field of education can ensure
bilingual school dictionary involving Yipunu, one of
the Gabonese languages, and French This model is
based on metalexicographical principles, applicable
to the Gabonese context. In the field of the science
of language, dictionaries have always been part of a
standardisation process. They are also part of the
expansion, the development and the promotion of
languages in societies. On the other hand, the
education system is an important partner for both
foreign language teaching and the development of
local languages in countries with a weak written
tradition like Gabon. It is a strong platform for
the production of dictionaries because it includes
the diffusion and the application of school
programmes and school manuals.Introducing
dictionaries in the field of education can ensure