In times of global competition, banks, as service organizations, must search a manner not only to reach new clients, but also to maintain the existing ones. The specificity of financial services and their elasticity is hard to realize from the unique market of bank products. Clients, in this situation, have the choice of a full palette of similar services. They probably choose the best way for themselves. This work presents a review of available literature which is used to meet the objectives of the reported research. It is structured as follows: a familiarisation of the main features accompanying the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper as a most common form of SPV funding and as a starting point of pricing the stand-by facility; models and approaches that might be helpful in solving given problems. Following Merton and Matz, and Neu, it is known that the contingent claim can be treated as an option. The present monograph is an analysis of the chosen areas of bank management. The author hopes that the knowledge contained in this publication will help understand specific banks management using modern (innovative) products and models of analysis.