Wave Theory of Image Formation in a Microscope: Basic Theory and Experiments
Computer Simulations and Nonlinear Dynamics of Cardiac Action Potentials
Myoglobin and Hemoglobin Contribution to the NIRS Signal in Muscle
Anomalous Low Angle X-Ray Scattering of Membrane with Lanthanides
Recording of Ionic Currents under Physiological Conditions-Action Potential-Clamping and "Onion-Peeling" Techniques
Patch Clamp Technique and Applications
About the EditorThomas Jue is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the University of California, Davis. He is an internationally recognized expert in developing and applying magnetic resonance techniques to study animal as well as human physiology in vivo and has published extensively in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, bioenergetics, cardiovascular regulation, exercise, and marine biology. He served as a Chair of the Biophysics Graduate Group Program at UC Davis, where he started to develop scholarly approaches to educate graduate students with a balance of physical-science/mathematics formalism and biomedical perspective in order to promote interest at the interface of physical science, engineering, mathematics, biology, and medicine. He continues to develop the biophysics curriculum, and the Handbook of Modern Biophysics represents an aspect of that effort.