This book on "Modification and Improvement in Truck Chassis using FEM" has been written to reduce the weight of the chassis and hence decreasing the overall weight of the vehicle. The goal is not only to reduce the weight of the chassis but also maintain the structural integrity of the chassis i.e. there is no increase in the overall stress in the chassis.While doing the material analysis we analyzed that among the various materials tested for the strength and agility, AISI 4130 alloy is the best alloy that can be used for manufacturing of chassis. Although after applying AISI 4130 alloy as the material for the chassis maximum stress is below yield stress so the chassis is safe and there is no failure. By using the structural analysis the chassis can be optimized in different ways such as using various side rail shapes like I-beam or box section. Different approach can also be used so as to decrease the weight of the chassis and yet making it strong like using fillet to round outthe shapes of the edges, increasing the thickness of the brackets, using C-column in the cross members, and using cross members in shape of X rather than parallel.