Sex has been important criterion which helps to establish the commercial value and classification of adult bovine carcasses particularly in western countries. All other quality factors being equal, sex is an important factor for market value of beef. For example, meat from male castrated animals is usually more valuable than meat from cows of the same age and therefore yields higher prices. Beef from male animals is commercially more valuable than beef from female animals because females are used for reproduction and are normally slaughtered only when aged, when the length and rigidity of muscle fibers is increased and the level of collagen is higher resulting in tougher meat of lower quality and thus lower commercial value. Many meat packing plants sell cow's meat as male meat, causing damage to various meat producing sectors and to consumers. To avoid unfair competition and to assure consumers of accurate labeling, it is necessary to develop reliable methods for determining thegender of the meat. The book can be useful to both students and professional meat analysts who need up to date information about sexing of beef.