Do you want to earn more, but you lack knowledge of how to save the money when it comes? Or you earn money, but cannot account for it? Are you an employee who earns monthly pay, but lacks financial discipline? This makes you go into debts even before your next paycheque.Or let's say you run a business that should be bringing you income, but each time, you find yourself at the verge of going into financial crisis. Or perhaps you have money but lack knowledge of smart investment models and strategies to work with. This leaves you skeptical about investing your money.If this is your case, your solution is here. Money Rule is a book that will show you how to make more money, invest it, and build wealth. This book will expose you to seeming money mistakes a lot of people make and show you ways to avert them and live a debt-free life. It is a complete guide for all who want financial freedom. Get to know more and see more reviews on