The collapse of communism and totalitarianism in the
former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in 1990
provided Mongolia with a historic opportunity of
launching political and economic reforms
simultaneously by dismantling the communist regime
and central planning economy to build democracy and
market capitalism. Mongolia's democratic transition
expressly indicates that Mongolia has attained
remarkable achievements in reaching this goal. Today,
Mongolia democracy meets the criteria for liberal
democracy and goes through consolidation. Mongolia's
parliamentary democracy has had a leading role in
building democracy and market capitalism, and civil
society is mature and contributes to building
democracy. Mongolia's democratic reforms have been
radical and irreversible since they started in
Mongolia. Now, Mongolia is committed to completion of
the final phase of its transition to market
capitalism to strengthen democracy. This book is
designed for political researchers, scholars,
students, and individuals, who are interested in the
history of Mongolia's democracy.
former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in 1990
provided Mongolia with a historic opportunity of
launching political and economic reforms
simultaneously by dismantling the communist regime
and central planning economy to build democracy and
market capitalism. Mongolia's democratic transition
expressly indicates that Mongolia has attained
remarkable achievements in reaching this goal. Today,
Mongolia democracy meets the criteria for liberal
democracy and goes through consolidation. Mongolia's
parliamentary democracy has had a leading role in
building democracy and market capitalism, and civil
society is mature and contributes to building
democracy. Mongolia's democratic reforms have been
radical and irreversible since they started in
Mongolia. Now, Mongolia is committed to completion of
the final phase of its transition to market
capitalism to strengthen democracy. This book is
designed for political researchers, scholars,
students, and individuals, who are interested in the
history of Mongolia's democracy.