Monitoring and Evaluation is a tool in project management used to track project/program implementation and outputs systematically and measure the effectiveness of programs. Building an effective Monitoring &Evaluation system is a requirement for the growing pressure to improving the performance of the project which is also one of the requirements by the Non-Governmental Organizations and donors to check on the effective use of the donor funds and to measure impact and attributes to the projects. Moreover, components of M&E organizational structure with M&E function, human resources capacity and partnership for M&E were the major challenges practices of Monitoring &Evaluation in Non-government Organizations. This study aimed to assess the practice and factors associated with monitoring and evaluation practices of health projects of Non- Governmental organizations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The finding from the organizational monitoring and evaluation practices of Non-government Organizations implementing health project have partially functional M&E system. Thus, NGOs implementing health projects need to be strengthened and have fully functioning M&E system.