One of the main values of our body is the bone marrow. This factory of vital blood cells works constantly. Being the "third brain" in the body, it is called to control and maintain the normal functioning of a person. Any violation in the work of this unique body leads to complex diseases and complications. Its main component is valuable stem cells, capable of performing the functions of any body cell . The most important tissues of our organism is the blood. She is responsible for supply with oxygen, that is a delivery of all cells, organs and systems. The hemopoietic human organs belong to the main structures of an organism which perform function of formation of new blood cells. The histology of red marrow, taken by method of a puncture biopsy from 22 people of old age (corpses) is investigated. On drugs made calculation of quantity of myelocariocytes, reticulocytes, and smears - calculation of a myelogramm.
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