The world economy is on the brink of a profound crisis. The threat of global deflation and the emergence of chronic excess global capacity characterizes the contemporary phase of crisis and stagnation. Lucarelli argues that these pathological features of globalization acquire a remorseless logic during the 'mature' stages of monopoly capitalism. He explores the historical origins and theoretical tendencies of this protracted crisis from a Keynes/Kakecki perspective.
"Jule and Pedersen have assembled an impressive and stimulating array of essays - from the autobiographical to the historical, from the pedagogical to the philosophical, from the theological to the mystical, from the familial to the biblical - that test and probe the fluid boundaries of Christian faith and feminist consciousness. The contributors to this powerful collection neither say nor sound 'the same,' but their voices all together rise in chorus to celebrate the vibrant possibility of being feminist and being Christian." - Michael Lodahl, Point Loma Nazarene University
"This collection of essays deepens the relatively unexplored connection between feminism and Christianity in a variety of academic fields, including biblical studies, history, linguistics, literature, political science, and theology. The tenor of the volume emerges from the integration of personal experience with academic expertise." - Priscilla Pope-Levison, Seattle Pacific University
"This collection of essays deepens the relatively unexplored connection between feminism and Christianity in a variety of academic fields, including biblical studies, history, linguistics, literature, political science, and theology. The tenor of the volume emerges from the integration of personal experience with academic expertise." - Priscilla Pope-Levison, Seattle Pacific University