To speak of a sociology of the spectacle, as Richard Demarcy puts it, "is first and foremost to specify the various poles of research: according to a traditional computer schema, we must distinguish, at the very least, the sender pole and the receiver pole. It is generally the latter that the sociology of culture (...) has focused on", which has led us, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Edgar Morin, and other sociologists, to study these two poles at the same time, that of receiver and that of sender. In other words, people who watch movies and people who like to watch movies.And since we've been working on the theme of women's representation in Moroccan cinema, as a social fact, to use Émile Durkheim's expression, we've chosen, as a means of research, to conduct interviews with cinema people first, before analyzing a few Moroccan films that have tackled this very theme.