The diversity of mushroom-forming fungi of Central Nigeria was studied during three consecutive rainy and early dry seasons. Mushrooms were characterized morphologically using the information in fungi description forms alongside illustrations in coloured field guides. Life specimens were effectively photographed in-situ and fertile sides were also captured using canon digital camera. From the many forays, six (6) morpho groups (Ascomycetes fungi, Boletoid and Polyporus fungi, Coral fungi, Gilled fungi, Cortinarius fungi, and Non-gilled fungi) occurred across the region. Also thirteen (13) stature types (Amanitoid, Armillarioid, Clitocyboid, Collybioid, Galerinoid, Lepiotoid, Mycenoid, Naucoriod, Omphaloid, Pleurotoid, Pluteotoid, Tricholomatoid, and Vaginatoid) were represented across the region. The region's mushrooms have been considerably inventoried, isolated and identified morphologically.