Ray NewellMorris Cars 1948-1984
A Pictorial History
Ray Newell is a well known and respected figure within Morris Minor circles. He has been Secretary of the UK based Morris Minor Owners Club since 1983 and has contributed significantly to the Club’s growth and development in that time. He has written extensively about the Morris Minor, but of the eight books he has written, this is the most detailed and comprehensive. Ray has owned a variety of Morris Minors over the years but currently his pride and joy is a rare 1949 Series MM Tourer. He has recently acquired an equally rare 1954 Series II van from New Zealand, which is currently undergoing a full restoration. Ray lives in Derbyshire, England.
History of Morris
Morris Minor Oxford and Six
Morris Oxford Cowley and Isis
Morris Mini
Morris 1100/1300
Morris Oxford Series V and VI(Farina).
Morris 1800/2200 and 18/22
Morris Marina and Ital
The Last Morris (Metro Van)
List of Models and years of production