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This volume is the transcription of the 290 letters contained in JubA 19 into Hebrew. Most of these letters were written in German. The 38 letters written in Hebrew provide insight primarily into Mendelssohn' contribution to rabbinical, legal and biblical issues. His Judeo-German courtship letters to Fromet Gugenheim are in Volume 11 of the JubA in modern spelling and with modern punctuation. In this transcription, they show the number of Hebrew expressions which were typical of Mendelssohn's letters to Jews. The Judeo-German letters of his wife show Fromet Mendelssohn's tender love and the…mehr

This volume is the transcription of the 290 letters contained in JubA 19 into Hebrew. Most of these letters were written in German. The 38 letters written in Hebrew provide insight primarily into Mendelssohn' contribution to rabbinical, legal and biblical issues. His Judeo-German courtship letters to Fromet Gugenheim are in Volume 11 of the JubA in modern spelling and with modern punctuation. In this transcription, they show the number of Hebrew expressions which were typical of Mendelssohn's letters to Jews. The Judeo-German letters of his wife show Fromet Mendelssohn's tender love and the careful upbringing of their daughter. There are letters from and to Herz Homberg, Salomo Dubno, Hartwig and Moses Wessely, Avigdor Levi - as well as a poem of praise. The annotations of the letters are directly under the text and complement those in the edition in Hebrew characters (Volume 19) for today's readers.Correspondents of volumes 19 and 20,2: Peter Beer - Familie Bernhard - Marcus Bloch - David de Castro - Chanoch - Joseph Deiern - Wolf Dessau - Salomo Dubno - Jonathan Eibenschütz - Jacob Emden - Benjamin V. Ephraim - Sacharja V. Ephraim - Gutche Ephraim - Moses Fischer - David Friedländer - Moses Fürst - Ascher Götting - Sara Götting - Joseph Galico - Abraham Gugenheim - Fromet Gugenheim - Joseph Gugenheim - Vogel Gugenheim - Aron Gumpertz - Samuel Halberstadt - Elkan Herz - Jochebed Herz - Naphtali Herz - Jacob Herzfeld - Mendel Heymann - Herz Homberg - Jehuda Halevi Hurwitz - Mordechai Jaffé - Jacob Jareslaw - Joseph Jareslaw - Jona Jeiteles - Pinchas Kopenhagen - Hartog Leo - Avigdor Levi - Raphael Levi - Mendel Levin - Naphtali Levin - Zebi Hirsch Levin - Robert Lowth - Salomon Maimon - Joseph Meyer - Mendel Meyer - Elias Morpurgo - Isaac Pinto - Nathanael Posner - Raphael - Simon Sommerhausen - Ulamo - Herz Ullmann - David Wagenaar - Hartwig Wessely - Moses Wessely - Moses Wiener.
"In ihrer Gesamtheit stellen diese Briefe eine reichhaltige Quelle für Aufklärungsforscher, Judaisten und Historiker dar, und sie zeichnen [...] auch ein bewegendes Portrait des jüdisch-deutschen Philosophen." Cord Berghahn, Zeitschrift für Germanistik