The trigeminal nerve gives rise to three branches: ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3). Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) causes pain when chewing and manipulating gums, and the dentist rather than the neurologist or neurosurgeon. Topographically it affects branches V1 4%, V2 23%, V3 15%, V1 and V2 16.5%, V2 and V3 32%. The objective of this research was to identify the most common etiology of TN in patients seen in EsSalud Cusco from January 2019 to August 2022 after a non-experimental type, qualitative, quantitative, retrospective and cross-sectional approach; the sample: 127 computerized data from medical records with diagnosis of TN in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Dentistry of the EsSalud-Cusco Hospital; the instrument: the data collection sheet; the unit of analysis: the medical record and the method, indirect observation. Variables were measured on data collection sheets by a single evaluator. For the most common etiology variable, scores according to predisposing factors and etiological factors; while for the TN variable, by types of TN and pain scales.