Adolescents' knowledge on SRH is a growing concern today. With the widening gap between the age at menarche and age at first marriage, ASRH is an important area for their well being. There are number of programmes initiated by the government and the NGOs to provide systematic knowledge on ASRH on school level and community level. However, literature on ASHR knowledge indicates that adolescents' knowledge on SRH is limited. Therefore, this study has investigated to what extent the mothers of adolescent children could be used in disseminating SRH knowledge to their adolescent children. This research reveals that there is a potential opportunity in utilizing mothers to be a source of SRH information by making them more informative and confident on the dissemination. This research is a timely intervention and therefore it is necessary to understand that providing knowledge for mothers of adolescent children to be a direct source of SRH information is important.