Leadership motivation is majorly impacted by the cognitive, non-cognitive and affective determinants of motivated leaders viz. the Human Capital personality type, Psychological Capital - cognitions of empowerment, and the Social Capital - emotional intelligence to meet the gruesome demands of the 21st century. The study conclusively deduces that Indian Insurance managers leading by affective-identity MTL reasons possess extravert, sensing, thinking and judging personality type preferences, are self-efficacious; those leading by non-calculative MTL possess extraversion personality type, value their work goal, are self-efficacious and self-determined; and those leading by social-normative MTL possess extravert and sensing personality type, are self-regulated, self-motivated, and empathetic at their workplace. It suggests need for a greater focus on the development and sustenance of intrinsic task motivation among the organizational leaders; in the adequate selection of the enrichedtalent pool in developed as well as developing countries across the globe due to its imperative importance in meeting the challenges of constant evolving and competitive global scenario.