The contemporary world is characterized by twin pulls and pressures of globalization on the one hand and sense of fragmentation of identity, loss of spirituality, rootlessness, decentering and meaninglessness on the other. In such a situation the culture holds the center position on which the man of today can hang on for security and solace. Since diaspora writings are of and about the diaspora and essentially about multiplicity of cultures, diasporic fiction as a mode of literary expression faithfully depicts the cross-cultural cross-over experience of the immigrants which has special contemporary significance. This book aims to understand this phenomenon through the analysis of Indian diaspora writer Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's select works of fiction in the light of recent developments in the field of cultural studies. The analysis focuses on values, practices, relationships, personal and social issues, perspectives across cultures as also on multicultural presentations. The book will be useful for students, teachers and scholars interested in the field of diaspora literature, cultural studies and humanities in general.