About the book : This book titled "Multifactor Asset Pricing Model" tries to make a comprehensive discussion on pricing of equity stocks for Indian stock market. Further it also makes earnest attempt to address the key issues as to the determination of risk and return of equity stocks for an emerging market like India. Asset pricing is an economic model that provides insight into nitty-gritty of pricing of risky assets particularly equity stocks. Risk or uncertainty is the term that makes pricing of assets more complex. Since decades many research works have been undertaken on this subject. However, it is very difficult for one to estimate the risk-return relation of equity stocks due to many factors and anomalies in relation to stock returns. Stock return anomalies include company characteristics such as size, value, prior return effects, and corporate fundamentals, etc., Hence, this book addresses important aspects of investment management in equity stocks by using prominent asset pricing models like CAPM, Fama French model, and Carhart model.