This is the second volume in the series of books covering practical aspects of
synthesis and characterization of various categories of nanomaterials taking into
consideration the most up to date research publications. The aim of the book series
is to provide students and researchers practical information such as synthetic procedures,
characterization protocols and mechanistic insights to enable them to either
reproduce well established methods or plan for new syntheses of size and shaped
controlled nanomaterials.
The second volume focuses on multifunctional nanomaterials.
synthesis and characterization of various categories of nanomaterials taking into
consideration the most up to date research publications. The aim of the book series
is to provide students and researchers practical information such as synthetic procedures,
characterization protocols and mechanistic insights to enable them to either
reproduce well established methods or plan for new syntheses of size and shaped
controlled nanomaterials.
The second volume focuses on multifunctional nanomaterials.