Murder on the Naval Base begins with a blurry account of a cold-blooded shooting of a couple, singled out while having dinner at an Officer's Club. The prime suspect is apprehended hours later while apparently attempting to flee the state. With over a dozen eyewitnesses collaborating the incident, little was left in the puzzle for the military investigators to piece together; especially once it was determined the two victims were in fact the perpetrator's wife and the man she was having an on-going affair with. Transporting the reader into the supersonic fighter jet world of Naval Aviation, with aircraft carrier scenes, the novel brings the reader close to the egos and confidence of those commanders that fly our warplanes. Combined with a steamy undercurrent of lust, love, sexual fulfillment, jealousy and primordial desires of the protagonist, the human condition of married life versus the structure and demands of military careers are juxtaposed against the strength and will of personal upbringing and ethical behavior of the characters. Offering the reader a page-turner of excitement, legal intrigue, psychologically thrilling moments, steamy sex and military honor - complete with a surprise that is foreshadowed so brilliantly, even the most seasoned reader will raise an eyebrow at the end with humble acknowledgement of the literary mastery contained herein.