The muscles, joints, nerves, tendons, ligaments and the structures supporting the back, neck and limbs together comprise the human musculoskeletal system. The pain, injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system are called musculoskeletal disorders. Such disorders usually arise from sudden exertion, repetitive strain or repeated exposure to force. Carpal tunnel syndrome, hand-arm vibration syndrome, tendinitis, epicondylitis and tension neck syndrome are some of the common examples of musculoskeletal disorders. X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose musculoskeletal disorders. This book brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of musculoskeletal disorders. It consists of contributions made by international experts. For all those who are interested in musculoskeletal disorders, this book can prove to be an essential guide.
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