Katelijne Schiltz is a professor at Universität Regensburg, Germany. The author of a book on the motets of Adrian Willaert (2003), her articles have appeared in a number of journals, including Early Music, Early Music History, Rivista italiana di musicologia, Archiv für Musikwissenschaft and the Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis. She is general editor (together with David J. Burn) of the Journal of the Alamire Foundation and a member of the editorial board of Analysis in Context. A Laureate of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, she has won prizes from the Society for Music Theory and from the Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations.
1. The culture of the enigmatic from classical antiquity to the Renaissance
2. Devising musical riddles in the Renaissance
3. The reception of the enigmatic in music theory
4. Riddles visualised
Appendix 1. A brief introduction to mensural notation
Appendix 2. Catalogue of enigmatic canonic inscriptions Bonnie J. Blackburn.