My father, my mother's best mistake, embarks on a poignant journey through the life of a woman whose enduring love and unwavering strength transform her profound personal struggles into a powerful testament of resilience.As the narrative unfolds, readers are drawn into a world where love is betrayed by pride, and commitment is overshadowed by selfishness. The author reveals her father's shocking infidelities, public humiliations, and the silent suffering of a mother whose sacrifices for her children went largely unrecognised.Through the lens of a child growing up amidst these trials, the book exposes the devastating impact of neglect and emotional abuse, while also celebrating the unbreakable spirit of a mother determined to rebuild her life for her children's sake.It is not just a story of familial discord, but also a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of self-respect, and the indomitable strength of a mother's love.