Sara Mouzon, a flirtatious, confident diva, leads a seemingly perfect life. But her wealthy, possesive husband, Ralph Mouzon sees Sara as his trophy wife and resents the fact that she has returned to work so soon after their marriage, instead of catering to him. Sara feels obligated to run the company she created with her first husband who died tragically. Ralph resents Sara's life away from him. In retaliation, he belittles her, oftentimes treats her as an errant child and occasionally withholds his affections as a form of punishment. To cover for the lack of intimacy in her marriage, Sara buries herself in her work, further antagonizing the relationship with her husband. Sara's marriage is almost destroyed when a flirtation with an employee, Charles Charmaine, who bears a striking resemblance to her first husband, leads to an adulterous affair. She leaves her husband and children to be with Charles, who inevitably wants her to chose between him and her husband. Sara is torn because her children have alienated her as a result of her actions, and asks Charles for patience. Resentful of the fact that Sara tries to keep their affair undercover, Charles angrily tells her that she cannot have the best of both worlds and ends the relationship. The rejection of Sara by her lover nearly destroys her, so she humbles herself and begs her husband for forgivesness. Ralph accepts Sara back into his life. Sara gives up her career to become the doting wife he's always wanted, but Ralph never fully trusts her again because he believes that in spite of the fact that Sara has returned, she has never given up on loving Charles. A chance siting of Charles with Sara's children leads Ralph to mistakenly believe that Sara has resumed her illicit relationship. Sara fails to convince Ralph that she has been faithful. A final, violent confrontation between Ralph and Sara has fatal consequences for Ralph.
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