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Along with MySQL's popularity has come a flood of questions about solving specific problems, and that's where this Cookbook is essential. Designed as a handy resource when you need quick solutions or techniques, the book offers dozens of short, focused pieces of code and hundreds of worked-out examples for programmers of all levels who don't have the time (or expertise) to solve MySQL problems from scratch.
The new edition covers MySQL 5.0 and its powerful new features, as well as the older but still widespread MySQL 4.1. One major emphasis of this book is how to use SQL to formulate

Along with MySQL's popularity has come a flood of questions about solving specific problems, and that's where this Cookbook is essential. Designed as a handy resource when you need quick solutions or techniques, the book offers dozens of short, focused pieces of code and hundreds of worked-out examples for programmers of all levels who don't have the time (or expertise) to solve MySQL problems from scratch.

The new edition covers MySQL 5.0 and its powerful new features, as well as the older but still widespread MySQL 4.1. One major emphasis of this book is how to use SQL to formulate queries for particular kinds of questions, using the mysql client program included in MySQL distributions. The other major emphasis is how to write programs that interact with the MySQL server through an API. You'll find plenty of examples using several language APIs in multiple scenarios and situations, including the use of Ruby to retrieve and format data. There are also many new examples for using Perl, PHP, Python, and Java as well.

Other recipes in the book teach you to:

- Access data from multiple tables at the same time

- Use SQL to select, sort, and summarize rows

- Find matches or mismatches between rows in two tables

- Determine intervals between dates or times, including age calculations

- Store images into MySQL and retrieve them for display in web pages

- Get LOAD DATA to read your data files properly or find which values in the file are invalid

- Use strict mode to prevent entry of bad data into your database

- Copy a table or a database to another server

- Generate sequence numbers to use as unique row identifiers

- Create database events that execute according to a schedule

- And a lot more

MySQL Cookbook doesn't attempt to develop full-fledged, complex applications. Instead, it's intended to assist you in developing applications yourself by helping you get past problems that have you stumped.
Seit Paul DuBois mit MySQL das bislang renommierteste Buch zum Thema vorgelegt hat, zählt er zu den führenden Köpfen der MySQL-Gemeinde. Neben seiner Arbeit für NuSphere, eienm kommerziellen Anbieter für MySQL-Lösung, widmet sich DuBois klassischen Aufgaben wie Webentwicklung, TCP/IP, Appletalk u.v.a.m.
"Beim vorliegenden `Kochbuch' bleibt der O'Reilly-Verlag seiner bekannten und bewährten Linie treu, primär Prominente aus der Entwicklerszene als Autoren zu engagieren, nach dem Motto: Sprachliche Unzugänglichkeit wird der Lektor schon ausbügeln. Das funktioniert nicht immer, in diesem Fall geht die Rechnung aber auf. Jeder Buchabschnitt ist in Problem, Lösung und zugehörige Erklärung gegliedert. Der Leser erhält also, wie es schon der Buchtitel verspricht, eine Reihe von Kochbuchrezepten zum direkten Einsatz in eigenen Projekten. Die Anwendungsgebiete dieser Lösungen erstrecken sich von eher allgemein gehaltenen Tipps rund um MySQL über Volltextsuche bis hin zum Web-Einsatz vom MySQL. Einziges Manko des Werks: Es setzt profunde SQL-Kenntnisse (und Grundkenntnisse in Perl, PHP, Python oder Java) auf Leserseite voraus. Einsteiger in MySQL dürften daher mit anderen Titeln besser bedient sein. Fortgeschrittene können hingegen ohne Bedenken zugreifen. Für: Datenbankentwickler und Web-Programmierer mit MySQL-Vorkenntnissen;" --IWinternet world, 04/2003