The collection showcases new research in the field of cultural and historical narratology. Starting from the premise of the 'semantisation of narrative forms' (A. Nünning), it explores the cultural situatedness and historical transformations of narrative, with contributors developing new perspectives on key concepts of cultural and historical narratology, such as unreliable narration and multiperspectivity. The volume introduces original approaches to the study of narrative in culture, highlighting its pivotal role for attention, memory, and resilience studies, and for the imagination of crises, the Anthropocene, and the Post-Apocalypse. Addressing both fictional and non-fictional narratives, individual essays analyze the narrative-making and unmaking of Europe, Brexit, and the Postcolonial. Finally, the collection features new research on narrative in media culture, looking at the narrative logic of graphic novels, picture books, and newsmedia.
"Mittels Hybridität und eines erneuerten Verständnisses der Verflechtung von Form und Inhalt wird Erzählen in seiner kulturellen Performance verstehbar, die narrativen Strukturen z.B. des Eco-Criticism, Anthropozäns oder auch Brexit werden schlüssig ausgeleuchtet. Eine facettenreiche Diagnose zeitgenössischen Erzählens - nicht nur für Fachleute."
Thomas Ballhausen in: EIKON 11 (2019), 108
Thomas Ballhausen in: EIKON 11 (2019), 108