In this thrilling Southern Gothic odyssey, a young man's quest to reunite his family takes him on a life-altering journey through the wilds of 1930s East Texas, where danger and doubt grow as thick as the pines. With his war veteran father missing and his mother gravely ill, William Carter is struggling to keep his family's cotton farm afloat during the Great Depression. But a drought has left him with a failing crop and the bank is threatening foreclosure. As his options are waning, William receives a mysterious letter that claims to know his father's whereabouts. Together with his best friend Ollie, a mortician-in-training, William sets out to find his father and bring him home to set things right. But before the boys can complete their quest, they must navigate the perils of the Big Thicket, some of the country's most uncharted, untamed land. Along the way they encounter eccentric backwoods characters of every order, running afoul of murderers, bootleggers, the nefarious conman Doctor Downtain, and even the legendary Bonnie and Clyde. From award-winning author James Wade, Narrow the Road is a gripping exploration of a young man's hard-won coming-of-age and the courageous ways a person can forge a singular path in the face of overwhelming adversity. Alive with grit and tenderness, this is an unforgettable story of the power of friendship to uplift through loss, betrayal, and devastating consequence.
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