Written by cross-disciplinary authors across Europe, Asia, and America, this is compilation of articles and images explores the use of forms in nature for diverse design approaches and perspectives. Nature has rendered poetic potential to stimulate, as a metaphor, the design process. From formal, conceptual, geometrical to literal engagements, the scope of potential correlations between nature and design is as far reaching as the human imagination. Contributors: Iñaki Ábalos, Stan Allen, Manuel Castells, Catherine Dumont dAyot, Olafur Eliasson, Patrick Gartmann, Toni Gironés, Christophe Girot, Alice Hucker, Christian Kerez, Mai Komuro, Michal Krzywdziak, Jonathan Lin, Josep Lluís Mateo, Marcel Meili, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Renzo Piano, Florian Sauter, Frederic Schwartz, Ramias Steinemann, Peter St. John, Philip Ursprung, Maria Viñé, Erwin Viray.